
[* April 2017 *]

There is no right philosophy. All rivers of thought eventually lead to the ocean of fulfillment – some just take much longer to do it

We all want to save the world, but some things can’t be saved. Instead of thinking ‘how can I save the world,’ think ‘what can I change so the world no longer needs saving.’

Instead of thinking ‘how can I save this person,’ think ‘what can I change so this person no longer needs saving.’

Wind can turn a boulder into a pebble in 100,000 years, but then again, so can a pickaxe in a week, or dynamite in a second. The result is the same; the difference is just how much energy you’re willing or able to put in at one time.

Studying the teachings of great minds does nothing if one does not apply them to his own life.

Everyone knows that they are right until they realize that they aren’t.

The only reason I appear to be wise beyond my years is because you haven’t seen the eternity I’ve spent with my thoughts.

How lucky we are that we don’t have to choose only one thing.

How heavy of a burden it is to have people willing to die for you, because one day they may do just that.

Art is the greatest thing thst the world, that life, that existance had to offer. If you disagree, then your definition of art is wrong, or at least your understanding of it is incomplete.

We can be certain about anything until the moment the opposite presents itself. That’s when life gets interesting.

Probability is beuatifully ironic. We’re taking bets on whether or not our system to take bets actually works.

Art isn’t made for what you see when your eyes are open. It’s made for what you see when they’re closed

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