Mid-July 2020 Thoughts

• The universe has no obligation to explain itself to you
• What is sanity other than a shared perspective?
• Our minds are an ever-expanding container of infinity
• The purpose of (*some) art is to not have a purpose. By having no purpose, it becomes a reflection of self. Any meaning derived from something without meaning must come from within.
• A difference between good and evil is that good “wins” by making itself better, whereas evil “wins” by making others worse.
• Our history is just a gallery of aesthitic and a showcase of philosophy
• It’s a terrible feeling when you don’t recognize your own voice
• You’ll never make it anywhere if you don’t believe your happiness is worth it
• People with autism are like aliens trying to learn how to assimilate
• Am I inspired by depression, or the feeling of coming out of depression? Maybe I can’t stay happy because overcoming depression feels too good
• Power attracts evil, so I’ve tried to hide from evil. But evil will find you no matter how hard you hide. All hiding does is prevent you from using your power for good
• You’re not wrong for loving someone who doesn’t love you
• Compressed memories / deep storage memories / hidden memories / forgotten memories
• We are God’s people, not God’s army. If your first response to opposition is to fight, then you’re fighting for yourself, not God.
• The things I hate most in the world is hypocrisy and undeserved arrogance. In a sense undeserved arrogance is just another form of hypocrisy. Unfortunately, to be human is to be a hypocrite, because humans are a paradox of opposing ideas, thoughts, and actions. I’ve been trying to ascend to something more than a human, because I’m tired of being a hypocrite.
• The stone pillars in my shoulders are getting heavy again
• Nothing is still something
• Do I have an obligation to succeed?
• Maybe one reason it feels like something is missing is because part of me got lost in nirvana
• Multiple selves -> what occurs when a self occupies multiple realities simultaneously within the multiverse -> this is often the source of uncertainty and anxiety
• The most difficult people to deal with are the ones who are winners of the game they don’t even know they’re playing.
• Life is a recurring dream confused with reality
• I range from lawful neutral to chaotic neutral, but I spend more of my time closer to the lawful side
• People can suck. They can do terrible things that make you question reality itself. But they’re also the only thing that really makes life worth living. What’s the point of having the world if you have no one to share it with?
• It’s not just about being with someone you love; it’s about experiencing the journey of finding someone you love

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